Vitamin B12 is important during pregnancy to support good for the mother and baby in the formulation of red blood cells, nervous system functions, and the metabolism of folate. Higher intake of vitamin B12 prevent neural tube defects in a birth and help in pregnancy-related anaemia management.
However, some pregnant women are more prone to deficiencies due to several factors such as if they have gastrointestinal abnormalities, use medications affecting absorption or follow vegetarian diet. These pregnant women need vitamin B12 injection during pregnancy or pregnancy supplements.
Injections with B12 administered intramuscularly are considered safe during pregnancy because excess amounts will not do any harm. However, a consultation with the doctor before starting injections or pregnancy supplements is inevitable.
Prenatal vitamins, such as Trimacare™, are good alternative for those who would like to have a convenient option. Trimacare pregnancy supplement offers a daily oral dose of B12 along with other essential nutrients to minimize the need of injections.